City of Pekin, IL


Street Sweeping

The Street Maintenance section maintains all City streets, curbs, gutters, shoulders, roadway striping, and storm drains and to ensure the safety of all motorists. 
Street Sweeping is done on a seasonal basis.  Every street in the City of Pekin is swept between 3 to 5 times per year. 

City Policy on Raking Leaves Into the Street

Each property owner has yard waste picked up at their property. To pay a street sweeper to pick up leaves raked from a yard is double effort. That's why we ask that residents not rake leaves into the street because it can cause the following problems:

  • Tremendous increase in cost of sweeping streets
  • Plugged catch basins
  • Flooded streets
  • Flooded basements

To dispose of yard waste, please bag leaves for pickup on your regular garbage day. Enforcement of the city litter laws is done by our police force and could cost not less than $100 and not more than $500 per day of each violation.