City of Pekin, IL


Tree Debris Pickup

The City of Pekin will offer storm tree debris curbside pickup beginning this week. Larger tree debris, such as branches and limbs, should be piled neatly together. Pickup will start with the highest priority areas and may not necessarily coincide with your regular scheduled yard waste pickup day. Leaves and very small branches should be placed in a yard waste cart or yard waste bag for your regular yard waste pickup. Any other storm related debris such as fencing, metal, roof materials, etc. will not be picked up. Please do not cover storm drains or block fire hydrants. Place all tree debris items as close to the curb as possible without spilling onto the roadway.  We ask for your patience as we will work as quickly as possible. Should you have any questions, please contact the City of Pekin Street Department at (309) 477-2325.