City of Pekin, IL


Severe Weather - Public Information

Special Information for the Public-Severe Weather

This information is to answer the questions from the public regarding storm emergencies. We have reached out to Tazewell County Emergency Management and they have stated that there are no known public storm shelters in Tazewell County. As for City of Pekin buildings, only a couple of them are “storm shelter” worthy structures. City Hall and Fire Station 1 are buildings that have safe locations for severe weather, however they may not be publicly accessible at the time of a storm due to availability of personnel or emergency responses. Fire Stations 2 and 3 are not storm ready structures. All this being said, if any member of the public sought shelter in an emergency at one of these locations, and personnel were present, they would be given shelter.

Please use the below link to find the severe weather preparedness guide from the Illinois Emergency Management Agency.  This is a good resource for members of the public to perform their own severe weather preparations in their homes.

Severe Weather Quick Tips

GET IN - If you are outside, get inside.  If you're already inside, get as far into the middle of the building as possible.

GET DOWN - Get underground if possible.  If you cannot, go to the lowest floor possible.

COVER UP - Flying and falling debris are a storm's number one killer.  Use pillows, blankets, coats, helmets, etc. to cover up and protect your head and body from flying