City of Pekin, IL


Bright Spot Award

Bright Spot Award LogoBright Spot Awards 

The City of Pekin’s Beautification Committee invites you to participate in our city’s beautification awards! Pekin’s Bright Spot Award program acknowledges attractive, well maintained landscaped property and the benefits they provide to our community. It is the goal of the Bright Spot Award to identify and honor those property owners that demonstrate community pride, and maintain their property as a beacon of higher standards that other property owners may aspire.

Nominations will be accepted through the 10th of each month (May — August), with winners being announced on (or near) the 15th of the month, according to their quadrant location as seen in the attached map HERE.

Applications will be accepted at the following link: BRIGHT SPOT AWARD NOMINATION

For full program details please download the following document: Bright Spot Awards Program Guidelines

May 2021 Winners
May 2021 - 1503WillowMay 2021 - 1400Henrietta